A young breed, Romane(formerly Inra 401) was created by INRA in the 1970s at the Bourges estate in order to increase the productivity of the French sheep flock. The sheep breed is the result of successive crosses between ½ Romanov and Berrichon du Cher animals.
* The Romanov is an extremely prolific breed, with high breeding qualities (sexual precocity, extended sexual season, developed maternal instinct and good dairy value) and has a coarse wool.
* The Berrichon du Cher, a beef breed par excellence, also has qualities of precocity, rusticity and walking ability.
Romane has thus acquired the cumulative characteristics of its origins, it is what is called a very good mother, its main qualities are:
High productivity (average prolifically of 200 to 230% depending on the season)
Maternal qualities facilitating the breeding : Good milk value of the mothers, Very developed maternal behavior (easy setting, easy adoption, …), The possibility of natural proofing the production: allows a production at all the seasons without uses d hormones.
Hardiness : the establishment of the breed is not limited, it is found in all French regions and all types of livestock (plain, drying plateau, mountains, sheepfolds, valuation of undergrowth, transhumance, …)
The production of national sheep meat owes its survival to a few major elements: Impeccable quality , Security , A regular lamb production over the year , A price accessible to the consumer
The Roman sheep breed is fully in line with this approach, offering breeders a “female support” corresponding to the needs of the sector. Namely, a productive ewe, easy to raise, sufficiently hardy to adapt to all types of livestock and environment and which allows by a terminal cross with qualified rams improving butchers to produce lambs at all times of the year. ‘year.